Saturday, 20 February 2010


Some theory...

The arts is a broad subdivision of culture, composed of many creative disciplines. It is a broader term than "art," which as a description of a field usually means only the visual arts.
The arts encompasses visual arts, literature and the performing arts - music, drama, dance and film, among others.

Some practice...

We are an artistic team from the University of Alicante. Here we mean to find out which kind of artist you are. So your guieds on a side will be Chris-the-dancer, Ella-the-singer, Mary-the-painter and Oxy-the-comic.

YOUR ARE THE BEST!!! Welcome to our Blog!!! JUST DO IT!!!

Please, send your answers to:

1 comment:


    Guys, here you can find out how to draw different things like a face, a duck, a fish, etc. Have a look! It´s a real fun!
