A) Complete the jokes by putting the verbs in the correct tense.
1-You are wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger.
- I know. I _______ (marry) the wrong man.
2-Did the film have a happy ending?
-Well, everybody was happy when it ______ ( end).
3-Mum, Aunt Sarah kissed me.
-Did you kiss her back?
-Of course not, I ______ (kiss) her face.
4-Do you know how my grandmother stopped my grandfather biting his fingernails?
She ______ (smash) his false teeth.
5-Student: I eated seven cakes at my birthday party.
Teacher: Don't you mean ______? (eat)
Student: Okay, I eated eight cakes at the party.

B) Use had or hadn't to complete the following jokes and send us the solutions.

1-When her daughter arrived home from a party, Mrs Thompson asked her if she _____ thanked her hostess. "No," she said. "The girl in front of me thanked her and the lady said 'Don't mention it' so I didn't."

2-Here's your coffee, madam- it's a special coffee all the way from Brazil.
-Oh, I was wondering where you _______gone.

3-Tom is so stupid. He phoned his teacher at school yesterday to say he couldn't come to school because he ______lost his voice!

4-MUm! Mum! Dad's fallen over a cliff.
-Is he okay?
-I don't know. He_____stopped when I left.

5- Harry Smith was sent to Central Africa by his company. He sent a postcard to his wife as soon as he arrived. Unfortunately it was delivered to another Mrs Smith whose husband _____died the day before. The postcard read: ARRIVED SAFELY THIS MORNING. THE HEAT IS TERRIBLE.